Tuesday 29 September 2009

Praise for Farnham journalism graduates

Recently Googling to check on Farnham Journalism's search engine visibility (as one does), it was nice to come across some thoughtful comment and praise for the journalism work at UCA's graduation show, on Simon Clarke's excellent Freelance Unbound blog.
There is a strong production strand running through the journalism teaching at Farnham. I think this does help make our graduates more attractive to employers. On the print side of things, yes, one has to be careful not to spend too much time on art direction and graphic design issues at the expense of writing and textual editing, but on the other hand, as Simon acknowledges, wrestling with sidebars, pull quotes, captions and standfirsts on a magazine layout does sharpen the sense of what an editor wants from you as a writer. Our students get plenty of practice in writing copy to fit those 'top ten list' or 'that timeline in full' boxes. And consumer magazines these days are full of such things.

1 comment:

Sammy Hanson said...

Thats good to know Steve. What attracted me to the course initially was the range of skills the university aims to teach and how much it is geared towards gaining employment.