Tuesday 18 November 2008

Web 2.0 in your pocket

I'm excited at the moment by the mobile web - all the interactivity, GPS-enabled connectivity and YouTubed video splendour of 'Web 2.0', in your jeans back pocket.

The latest generation of mobile smart phones - the iPhone 3G (over six million units shipped worldwide since its May launch); and the just launched (in the UK) Google phone, Sony Xperian X1 and HTC Touch Pro are game changers. Flash- and YouTube-enabled browsers with fast scrolling and zooming, powerful processors and decent resolution screens (VGA or WVGA on the X1, Google and HTC) offer a meaningful multimedia web experience 24/7.

These phones are perfect companions for the modern, Twitter- and Pownce-enabled real-time roving reporter and commentator. You can even shoot a video with one of these devices and upload it to your Pownce page - instant webcasting in real time.

With all of this in mind, I've taken the plunge. At the weekend I signed up for an HTC Touch Pro. Once my number has ported across, I'll post some updates on my adventures in pocketcasting.

1 comment:

Rampage said...

very interesting, look forward to your pocket-casting updates